Before applying for a job there are things you should consider

Preparing for a Job Interview

It never puts you in a good light with an employer or recruiter when you apply for a job and the interview is secured, but you have not done your research beforehand and end up turning down the interview offer. As a well-established recruitment company, we have heard all sorts of excuses for turning down job interview offers. So there are some minor things that you must consider when preparing to apply for a job. These are common mistakes that can certainly be avoided! Research and preparation is critical and this will fall down to you before you apply. One tool you have at hand is Google - it’s a wonderful tool where you can find most information needed to prepare.

So if applying for a job make sure you are prepared to receive and accept an invitation for an interview. Otherwise it can put you in a bad light and burn your bridges and be considered as a time waster.

Here are some things to consider before applying for that job.

Is it practical to travel to the job location every day?

If you are staying local in in the same area take a look at Google Maps first to check the distance from your home to your possible new job. Will you take the car, bus, plane or camel? Think about

What will the cost be to you?

How long will you travel per day?

Many candidates only decide to put the distance to the test as they travel to the interview and this is strongly not recommended. If Google Maps says the distance is too far, we must trust it. Do not apply for the role unless you are happy to relocate.  

Take a look at our guidance on relocating for work here.

Consult with your partner, family or spouse.

Have you considered others? Think about your parents, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, children or pets? Do they have any objections or concerns? Do not wait to inform loved ones of the good news only after you have attended the interview or landed a job only to find issues can arise. It is important to consider your inner circle before proceeding with an application. It cannot just be about you, you need to look at all implications and think about the bigger picture.

If you realise it’s not for you it is important to be upfront and say no!

Things happen in life that are unavoidable. If you are suddenly realising this opportunity is not for you, or you got another offer, do not be afraid to tell the truth. Do not go to ground or go off the radar. Candidates bizarrely come down with a bout of sudden food poisoning, someone has been knocked down by a car, or the phone has broken leaving companies and recruiters in the dark. This does not portray you in a great light. So the best policy is honesty. Any employer and recruiter only want what is best for you so remember that honesty is the best policy. Recruiters are your friends and are trying to help and support you. They have no interest in pushing you into an unwanted job so never be afraid to say no. We at Hospitality Search international do not place “round blocks into square holes”.

If it does make financial sense the it should be a no go.

If you are planning to relocate to a different country, do your sums first - you should be making financial savings for general living costs for it to be financially viable. It is important to be sure of your financial situation before applying for, or even attending the interview. Make sure you compare like for like if you are earning a Gross salary in Europe, USA or Australia. You are not going to find a job that is paying the same level as an Expat net.

For example:

UK gross salary = £80K

UK net salary = ~£55K after tax

Expat offering salary equiv' of £55K + housing etc, plus all expat normal benefits

Evaluate your current role

If you have reached a point where you’re actively seeking a new role, it might be worth taking some time to reflect on what you currently do. Before you consider applying for a new role consider your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in your current role.

Doing this will help you to highlight the things you like and dislike about your current job, what serves you well and crucially, what the pros and cons are for remaining in your current job.

Using this information can help you decide if you should explore new opportunities within your current company, or seek out an entirely new challenge in a new setting. Either way, evaluating where you stand will help you plan for where you want to go, and how to get there quickly.